Stop PRENDA: Women of Color Deserve the Right to Choose!

A new anti-choice bill would force doctors to racially profile abortion candidates or face criminal charges.

PRENDA, the so-called "Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act" uses sneaky language that seems to stand up for the rights of women and people of color, but in reality the bill aims to limit the reproductive choices of women of color. If the bill passes, doctors could face criminal charges for performing abortions on non-white women. This would make unwanted pregnancy more difficult for women of color than for white women.

All women deserve equal access to reproductive health services. Please sign the petition to urge your US Representative in Congress to vote NO on PRENDA.

Dear Decision Maker,

As a contituent, I am concerned that the "Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act" (PRENDA) -- H.R. 4924 -- would limit the reproductive choices of women of color. I understand that if the bill passes, doctors could face criminal charges for performing abortions on non-white women. This would make unwanted pregnancy more difficult for women of color than for white women and encourage abortion providers to question the motives of women of color who seek abortions.

I believe that all women deserve equal access to reproductive health services. I respectfully urge you to vote NO on PRENDA. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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