Demand the Indiana GOP stop bullying trans kids with hateful bills!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: Indiana legislature

Anti-trans legislation is on the rise across the country, but the GOP-controlled legislature in Indiana is reaching new lows with the cruelty and discrimination they are heaping on some of our most vulnerable kids.

Not to be outdone by Florida, they've passed a bill banning all gender-affirming medical care for minors in the state, effectively forcing them to detransition. On top of that, the House has passed their own version of the despicable "Don't Say Gay or Trans" bill that would force teachers to out their students to their parents in a horrendous breach of privacy.

Demand an end to the endless anti-trans bills coming from the Indiana legislature!

"These kids have done nothing wrong – instead it's the members of the Indiana House who choose to stigmatize how they are allowed to express themselves!" wrote the Human Rights Council Legislative Counsel Courtnay Avant in a statement.

It's abhorrent that these grown adults are wasting public time and money to bully LGBTQ children and demonize them for being who they are while ignoring the very real issues facing the people in Indiana. It's time we let them know they've crossed the line.

Demand the Indiana GOP stop bullying trans kids with hateful bills!

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