US Denied Visitor Visas That Would Save US Citizen's Life

Tu Le is a father of four in his 60s and last year he was tragically diagnosed with blood cancer. He is also a U.S. citizen living in San Jose. Yet, the U.S. has denied visas to his two brothers, even though their visit would mean the marrow transplant that could save his life. 

Sign on if you think Tu Le's brothers should be granted visas to come save their brother's life!

Doctors tried to find local donors but none were a match. But Tu Le's brothers are a match for the bone marrow transplant he needs. So why is the U.S. banning his brothers from literally saving his life?

Tu Le's doctor even wrote a letter on his behalf trying to get officials to change their mind. Now, Kamala Harris is even involved and saying she'll help. But time is running out. We need to get those brothers here ASAP.

Sign on to get his brothers to the US to save his life!
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