US Navy: Don't Use Dolphins in War Drills!

A spokesman for the US Navy's marine mammals program reportedly said that 20 trained dolphins and 10 trained sea lions will be flown to the Black Sea to take part in war games. 

As part of the program, the dolphins and sea lions will test special armor and hunt for mines and military divers.

The long flight will be extremely expensive and stressful for these animals, and puts their health at risk. Obviously, the war games they're planned to participate in are also very risky. 

The Navy should not take advantage of these animals' intelligence for military advantage. Dolphins and sea lions play no part in causing the conflicts that start wars, and should not be used as playing pieces in war efforts. Please sign the petition to urge the US Navy to discontinue any plans to use dolphins in war drills!

We, the undersigned, are concerned that a spokesman for the US Navy's marine mammals program reportedly said that 20 trained dolphins and 10 trained sea lions will be flown to the Black Sea to take part in war games. 

We understand that, as part of the program, the dolphins and sea lions will test special armor and hunt for mines and military divers.

The long flight will be extremely expensive and stressful for these animals, and puts their health at risk. Obviously, the war games they're planned to participate in are also very risky. 

We feel that the US Navy should not take advantage of these animals' intelligence for military advantage. Dolphins and sea lions play no part in causing the conflicts that start wars, and should not be used as playing pieces in war efforts. We respectfully urge you to stop any plans to use dolphins in war drills. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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