Demand Goop Sell Ethically-Sourced Healing Crystals!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Gwyneth Paltrow, CEO, Goop
One of the biggest trends right now in new age spiritualism and natural health is healing earth crystals. However, it turns out most of these rocks meant to connect people with themselves and the earth are being mined in unethical ways

Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle brand, Goop, sells a "medicine bag" full of healing crystals. Sign the petition to demand Goop ensures they are sourcing their crystals responsibly!

The medicine bag on Goop's website is priced at $85 and says all the crystals have been "energetically cleansed with sage, tuned with sound waves, activated with mantras, and blessed with Reiki." But no amount of sage can get rid of the bad vibes that come from human exploitation and environmental destruction. 

Most of the crystals sold in the U.S. are bought during a two-week convention in Tuscon. But buyers can't always get a straight answer from sellers in other countries about whether the crystals were mined ethically or not. Goop is a huge coorporation and they have a responsibility to do the work to find out and tell their customers exactly where these healing cyrstals are coming from. 

If they continue selling healing crystals that could have been mined using child labor, or contaminating local water supplies, no amount of reiki excuses their complicity in that abuse. 

Sign the petition to tell Goop to say where they get their crystals and change sources if there is any human or environmental abuse going on as a result.
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