Tell Japan to Stop Blocking Whale Sanctuary!

  • av: Chris Wolverton
  • mottagare: Japanese International Whaling Commission Delegates

A proposed 50m sq miles sanctuary for migratory whales may never come to be if International Whaling Commission (IWC) delegates from Japan continue to oppose it.

The sanctuary would be built in the South Atlantic, and would provide a safe place for whales to breed and give birth to calves. Currently, migratory whales face many dangers, including man-made ocean noise, ship impacts, and entanglements in fishing nets and other marine debris. Japan is leading the opposition against it, along with Norway, Iceland and some Caribbean states. Opponents believe the IWC should prioritize commercial interests over conservation.

Whalers will not benefit from whales who suffer and die from pollution, boat impacts and ocean debris, but the economy would benefit from the tourist attraction of viewing healthy whales. It is in everyone's long-term interest to support conservation of this important ocean life. Please sign the petition to urge Japanese authorities to recognize the value of a whale sanctuary and to approve its construction.

We are concerned that International Whaling Commission (IWC) delegates from Japan are leading opposition against a 50 square mile whale sanctuary.

The sanctuary would be built in the South Atlantic, and would provide a safe place for whales to breed and give birth to calves. Currently, migratory whales face many dangers, including man-made ocean noise, ship impacts, and entanglements in fishing nets and other marine debris. We understand that opponents believe the IWC should prioritize commercial interests over conservation.

Whalers will not benefit from whales who suffer and die from pollution, boat impacts and ocean debris, but the economy would benefit from the tourist attraction of viewing healthy whales. It is in everyone's long-term interest to support conservation of this important ocean life. We respectfully urge you to recognize the value of a whale sanctuary and to approve its construction.

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