Ban Cruel Angora Farming in France!

French animal rights group One Voice released a very disturbing video exposing the cruelty rabbits endure in the nation's angora farms. The video shows fluffy rabbits with their front paws tied up, crying in pain as their fur is ripped from their bodies. Sometimes, chunks of skin come off along with it.

Many believe that wearing angora is not as cruel as wearing fur, because rabbits are not killed. Sadly, France's unregulated angora farms condemn rabbits to lives of captivity and suffering. The animals are forced to live in cages and endure repeated and painful shearing procedures. After their long, luxurious fur is removed, their naked skin leaves them vulnerable to thermal shock.

Major companies like H&M have already banned angora products because of the industry's cruelty. Please sign the petition to urge France's Ministry of Agriculture to ban angora farming in France!

I am concerned with the documented abuse of angora rabbits in France's farms.

French animal rights group One Voice released a very disturbing video exposing the cruelty rabbits endure in the nation's angora farms. The video shows fluffy rabbits with their front paws tied up, crying in pain as their fur is ripped from their bodies. Sometimes, chunks of skin come off along with it.

Many believe that wearing angora is not as cruel as wearing fur, because rabbits are not killed. Sadly, France's unregulated angora farms condemn rabbits to lives of captivity and suffering. The animals are forced to live in cages and endure repeated and painful shearing procedures. After their long, luxurious fur is removed, their naked skin leaves them vulnerable to thermal shock.

Major companies like H&M have already banned angora products because of the industry's cruelty. I respectfully urge you to ban angora farming in France. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this petition.

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