Peru: don’t licence soldiers and police to kill environmental protesters

  • av: Georgina B
  • mottagare: President of Peru, Ollanta Humala

Laws recently passed in Peru exempt members of the armed forces and police from criminal responsibility if they cause injury or death to environmental protesters.

Peru has been the scene of protests by indigenous communities opposing mining, highway developments, oil drilling and logging, activities that have polluted and destroyed the rainforest.

The law, known as No. 30151 (which was passed in January), gives soldiers and police officers protection to commit crimes with impunity.

Human rights groups, the Human Rights Ombudsman and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights have all expressed deep concern at the law.

Environmental protesters in Peru should have the right to protest without fear of death or injury from anyone.

Please sign the petition to demand the Peruvian government does not licence soldiers and police to kill environmental protesters.


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