Do NOT reopen the Empire Mine in Michigan's Upper Peninsula

  • mottagare: residents of Michigan's Upper Peninsula, environmentalists, Michigan

Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. has mined iron ore in Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula for over 170 years. It was once an essential part of the local economy, culture, and heritage, but that time has long since gone. When the profits of a handful of shareholders dried up, they closed Empire Mine, leaving local economies reeling and once pristine environments degraded and dysfunctional.

They exploited the people, the labor, and the natural resources of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and repaid them with poisoned water, ecological wastelands, and the widespread loss of livelihood. What reason is there to believe that the same thing won't happen again?

Faced with the proposition to reopen the Empire Mine, we stand in steadfast and resolute commitment to oppose repeating the same mistakes and urge Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. to cease exploiting the people and resources of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

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