Demand Starbucks end its ban on Pride celebrations!

In a powerful show of solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community, workers at over 150 Starbucks will shut down their stores in protest of executives' decision to cancel Pride celebrations at stores in three states.

While the company vehemently denies that they have banned Pride celebrations from their stores, the MorePerfectUnion media group has obtained evidence that proves the decision was made last year to cancel 2023 Pride celebrations in parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Missouri.

Tell Starbucks to let its workers celebrate Pride!

"As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, companies removing support this year is a trend I'm rather familiar with. This latest move to remove PRIDE from Starbucks feels like a slap in the face coming from a company that lured many members of the community into its ranks by claiming support. Starbucks has offered us a place at the table just to pull the chair from under us as we sat down," says Arkansas barista Riley Alexander.

This is only the latest corporate concession to the anti-LGBTQ hate movement — and a particularly cowardly one at that, since they won't even admit what they've done!

Demand Starbucks let their workers celebrate Pride!

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