Demand @ThisIsHeart Radio stops promoting cruel Seaworld

Heart radio recently ran a competition to win a holiday in Florida, including a visit to SEAWORLD. They were promoting this on the radio and on their website.

Not only would the winner visit Seaworld but they can also swim with dolphins.

Promoting Seaworld is unacceptable. The animals are subjected to intolerably cruel conditions. Anyone who has watched the movie Blackfish knows about this.

Heart FM is part of Global Radio who also own Capital Radio, Smooth, Classic FM, LBC and Gold. It is a large company that should know better.

Sign now to demand that Heart FM pledge to never again promote SeaWorld -- as competition prizes or in any other way. If enough people sign, they will see that they need to take a stand against animal cruelty. If they don't, they're being complicit in SeaWorld's mistreatment of animals.
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