The "Great Fashion Garbage Patch" Is an Environmental Crisis. Regulate Fast Fashion Now!

The Atacama Desert in Chile tells the tragic story of fast fashion. The world's driest desert has sadly become a growing dump for discarded clothes from the global fast fashion industry. The fast fashion industry's relentless production has led to endless waste, with the United Nations even calling it an "environmental and social emergency."

Sign the petition to demand that Congress finally regulate fast fashion companies like Shein, H&M, and Zara and put an end to the wasteful practice!

The environmental fallout of fast fashion is alarming – and the discarded clothing littering the Atacama Desert shows it. The industry is responsible for at least 10% of all carbon emissions, and some experts argue that number could actually be as high as 20%.

Brands like Shein, Zara, and H&M fuel this crisis with relentless production cycles promoting wasteful consumer habits. Despite the environmental cost, their popularity is skyrocketing, largely due to targeted marketing to younger generations. 

While affordable clothing is essential, it shouldn't equate to overproduction and waste. The business models of these companies currently promote a dangerous level of unsustainable consumption.

Sign this petition to demand Congress finally hold the industry accountable, and regulate fast fashion!

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