Tell the Republican Presidential candidates to admit climate change is real, not a "hoax"

  • av: Left Action
  • mottagare: Republican presidential candidates

After all this time, and after all these weather disasters, Republican presidential candidates STILL can't admit climate change is real:

"It was an unusual litmus test for a Republican primary debate, one that quickly descended into personal attacks and obfuscation: The candidates were asked whether humans had contributed to climate change. There is no scientific dispute that the answer is yes, but hardly any of the Republican candidates gave a straight answer." (NYT)

Are you kidding me? They still can't acknowledge what may be the biggest existential threat to humanity? Not even with all the evidence all around us? And some are even still claiming it's a hoax?

Don't let them off the hook. Make them keep answering this question, and let everyone see how foolish they truly are. Tell the Republican Presidential candidates to admit climate change is real, not a "hoax."

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