Demand a Charleston school board member resign for threatening a trans teacher!

Charleston County School Board member Ed Kelley publicly stated during a recent chapter meeting of the "Moms for Liberty" anti-LGBTQ extremist group that if his child's teacher came out as transgender, he would "show up at the educator's doorstep with a gun."

Kelley claims that "What I actually said was, 'Given how understandably agitated he was, I applaud this father for making the right choice to write an email instead of pick up a gun," but that is very much NOT ANY BETTER!

Demand Ed Kelley resign from the school board!

It's very simple. Any kind of threat of violence of ANY KIND has absolutely no place in any school business whatsoever and must not be tolerated in any way shape or form.

Given the rising tide of anti-LGBTQ sentiment around the country and the reports that one in four trans people have been physically attacked for who they are, it is beyond irresponsible for Ed Kelley to suggest violence of any kind against a teacher and he must resign immediately.

Demand a Charleston school board member resign for threatening a trans teacher!

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