Tell Justin Trudeau to Stop Seismic Blasting in the Arctic

The people of Clyde River, Nunavut, are defending their community from seismic blasting — the first step in destructive oil exploration — which harms ocean life and the Arctic at large.

Seismic blasting - a process of firing loud sonic explosions through the ocean to find oil - disrupts and harms whales like the beluga, narwhal and bowhead.

Every 10 seconds. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.

By installing the community's first solar energy system, Clyde River Inuit are taking decisive action against the fossil fuel industry, showing us the path to stopping climate change and how to build a clean, renewable energy economy.

But the Canadian government isn't listening yet. If thousands of people around the world add their voices to Clyde River's and support Inuit rights, it will help put their demands front and center on the political stage.

Tell Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau you stand with Clyde River, and he should too.
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