Repower America: 100% Clean Electricity Within 10 Years

America faces unprecedented economic, environmental and national security challenges with global warming. But there's a solution as big as our problems: a bold plan to Repower America with 100% clean electricity within 10 years. How do we do it?
* Energy Efficiency: A national upgrade to eliminate waste, save money, and improve comfort. Make every bit of energy we produce work harder for us. * Renewable Generation: Accelerate the ramp-up of clean, renewable electricity sources through policies that support increased private and public investment in technologies that work, like wind, solar, and geothermal. * Unified National Smart Grid: Modernize transmission infrastructure so that clean electricity generated anywhere in America can power homes and businesses across the nation; Build national electricity 'interstates' that move power quickly and cheaply to where it is needed; Establish local smart grids that buy and sell power from households and support clean plug-in cars. * Automobiles: Transition to efficient plug-in cars that 'fuel' with clean electricity. In combination with the unified grid, a nationwide fleet of plug-in vehicles also provides a key source of electricity storage. Sign the pledge today and join the almost 2 million others who have said that they want to Repower America.
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