Tell Boehner: Stop Spending Tax Dollars Defending DOMA

After President Obama refused to defend the discriminatory "Defense of Marriage Act," John Boehner and House Republicans intervened. They've hired a team of lawyers who could rack up a bill of up to $1.5 million that will go straight to the taxpayers.

Even worse, they're using DOMA to try to deny benefits to the spouses of gay and lesbian veterans and active duty soldiers. No one who risks their lives for their country should have to return home to face prejudice form our nation's elected leaders.

Tell Boehner and Cantor: Stop spending millions of taxpayer dollars defending the discriminatory "Defense of Marriage Act."
Dear Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor:

I urge you to stop wasting taxpayer dollars defending the discriminatory 'Defense of Marriage Act'.

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