Permanently Ban the Sale of Ivory

  • av:
  • mottagare: CITES Secretary-General Willem Wijnstekers

Kenyan Wildlife Authorities recently seized $1 million worth of elephant tusks bound for ivory markets in Asia. The growing demand of ivory has lead to skyrocketing rates of illegal poaching, and unless sales are permanently banned, elephants are likely to go extinct.

For the past 20 years, members of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) have allowed a limited legal ivory trade. But as ivory prices continue to rise on the black market, hundred of elephants are being slaughtered annually -- threatening the already endangered populations.

The illegal poaching of elephants is escalating and unless ivory sales are permanently banned, it is likely that these amazing creatures will no longer roam the earth. Now is the time to urge international leaders to permanently ban the sale of ivory once and for all!

Dear Secretary-General Willem Wijnstekers,

As I am sure you are no doubt aware, Kenyan Wildlife Authorities recently seized $1 million worth of elephant tusks and rhino horns bound for ivory markets in Asia.

Despite efforts to ward off poachers, wildlife experts in Kenya have seen a rapid rise in the number of elephants being slaughtered for their tusks. It has been 20 years since the International community banned the sale of ivory and I strongly urge you to reinstate a permanent ban in ivory sales.

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According to the World Wildlife Foundation, Africa has about 18,000 rhinos left, while sub-Saharan Africa has 690,000 elephants at most. Increasing ivory demands in Asia are stimulating a large upsurge in poaching -- especially elephants and rhinos.

Elephant ivory is a lucrative business and unless the ban on ivory sales becomes permanent, elephant populations are going to continue to rapidly drop. For the past 20 years, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) has allowed periodic sales of ivory which has undoubtedly sparked an increase in demand.

I strongly urge you to support the permanent ban of ivory sales and stop the killing of innocent animals once and for all. With no further exceptions, now is the time to eliminate all one-time stockpile sales. The elephants and rhinos are a part of our wold heritage and they should not be slaughtered for the benefit of a few people.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my comments. I eagerly await your response.

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