Stop Violence Against Women and Girls. Demand Justice in Uganda.

Fifty-one percent of Ugandan women are victims of violence at one point or another in their lives. Rape is very common, and genital mutilation continues unabated.

At the same time, it can be tough for a woman in Uganda to get justice. Ugandan women who are the targets of crime often go unheard. Their cases are untried or dismissed because of a flawed judicial system. The solution may be to implement a special court to hear cases involving violations of women's rights. Uganda's Justice Mike Chibita wants to do just that. 

Please join me in asking the government of Uganda to implement a special court to hear violations of women's rights cases.

Dear President Yoweri Museveni:

It is extremely distressing to learn that so many of your country's women are victims or rape and other violence. Over half your women report being the victims of such crime.

The solution appears to be to implement a special court that will be dedicating to hearing cases of violence against women, as has been suiggested by Justice Mike Chibita. Please take immediate action to implement this court.

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