Help Developing Countries Fight Climate Change

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has warned that the longer we delay action on climate change "the more we will pay -- in lost opportunities, resources and lives." This is especially true in developing nations, often the most vulnerable areas to the devastating environmental effects.

That's why it's critical that developing nations get financial assistance to help combat global warming.

At last year's Copenhagen Accord, countries agreed to provide $30 billion until 2012, and then increase aid to $100 billion a year until 2020. Now, a UN Advisory Group is tasked with finding sources of long-term financing to make sure these promises become reality.

Nations will meet again to discuss global warming this fall in Cancun. Urge the co-chairs of the Secretary-General's Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing to have a plan for how to help developing countries deal with climate change in time for the conference of the parties in Mexico.
Dear Prime Ministers Zenawi and Stoltenberg,

I am writing you today to encourage you to come up with long-term financing options for developing nations to address climate change.

It's terribly ironic that the countries in the most of need of energy to grow and help their people are also often those that would feel the worst impacts of climate change from the world's current energy consumption habits. That's why it's critical that the world provide financial assistance to these countries to address the impacts of climate change on their land and their people.

Last year in Copenhagen, countries committed to providing billions of dollars in assistance. But it's up to your advisory group to make sure that they make good on these promises and that developing nations get the resources they need.

The next conference of the parties on Climate Change will meet this fall in Cancun, Mexico. Please develop a plan by this meeting so the world can begin to take the necessary steps toward helping developing nations mitigate the effects of global warming.
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