Pledge to Stop the Illegal Ivory Trade

The illegal ivory trade killed more than 20,000 elephants in 2013 alone. Just recently, six elephants, including four calves, were killed near Kenya's Tsavo East National Park by poachers looking to get revenge against the authorities. The park, which is one of the largest animal sanctuaries in the world, is no longer a safe haven for these gentle giants.

Reportedly, the poachers who were previously arrested and were out on bond, were looking to get revenge. The senseless murder of these elephants is an unfortunate reminder of why we must stay one step ahead of poachers in the fight to protect Africa's wildlife.

Like every animal that falls prey to poachers, these six elephants died for no reason. Let us honor the memory of these fallen giants by fighting back.

Do your part to end illegal wildlife trade by pledging to never buy ivory products. Together, we can help save the world's animals from poaching.
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