Primates Shouldn't Be Pets

  • av: Care2
  • mottagare: U.S. Senate
The recent incident when a pet chimpanzee severely mauled a woman in Connecticut is yet another painful reminder of why primates should not be pets. Primates are dangerous, wild animals who need room to roam free in the wild - not be cooped up as pets in suburban households.

The Captive Primate Safety Act would make it illegal to engage in interstate and foreign commerce with primates as pets - making it much more difficult for people to buy a chimp as a pet. The House recently passed the Captive Primate Safety Act - and now it's up to the Senate to follow suit!

Urge your senator to support the Captive Primate Safety Act today so we can keep chimps where they belong - in the wild!
Dear Senator,

Please support the Captive Primate Safety Act (H.R. 80/S. 462). Primates are dangerous, wild animals who need room to roam free in the wild - not be cooped up as pets in suburban households.

Cruelly neglected, abused primates being held as pets are a serious threat to public health and safety. The recent case in Connecticut in which a pet chimpanzee severely mauled a woman is a painful reminder of why primates should not be pets.

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Thank you in advance for your support of the Captive Primate Safety Act.
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