Pledge to boycott Procter & Gamble products until they cease testing on animals!

  • av: V Bostock
  • mottagare: Gary Cunningham, Procter & Gamble
Pledge to boycott multi-national company Procter & Gamble products until they cease testing on and killing thousands of animals.

Multi-national company Procter & Gamble (brands include Daz, Fairy, Iams/Eukanuba, Pringles, Always, Head and Shoulders and Oil of Olay) continue to routinely vivisect and destroy thousands of animals in the development of their new products and ingredients. If you buy P & G products, you fund animal torture.

Pledge to boycott Procter & Gamble products until they cease testing on animals.

Attention Procter & Gamble:

We, the undersigned, pledge to boycott Procter & Gamble products until you cease testing on animals.

Multi-national company Procter & Gamble (brands include Daz, Fairy, Iams/Eukanuba, Pringles, Always, Head and Shoulders and Oil of Olay), you continue to routinely vivisect and destroy thousands of animals in the development of your new products and ingredients.

We vow not to buy P & G products, and indirectly fund animal torture. We pledge to boycott Procter & Gamble products unless you cease testing on animals today!

The Undersigned
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