Sign now and help elect pro-environment champions at every level!

As multiple crises continue to impact communities across our country — COVID-19, racial and economic injustice, Trump's failed environmental rollbacks, and the ever worsening climate crisis — GiveGreen is working to support federal and state candidates who will advance just and equitable solutions to the climate crisis and make lasting change in our political system.

Climate action can't wait. The future of our planet depends on our actions today. We need more climate champions fighting for us.

We have seen the impact of GiveGreen donors in helping elect candidates who are committed to tackling climate change and other pressing environmental issues of our time.

We can make a difference. Sign now if you agree: it's never been more important to elect pro-environment champions at every level!

Paid for by GiveGreen United Action,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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