Help save African elephants - boycott ivory products

Every day elephants are being killed by poachers in Africa for their tusks.

As the numbers of elephants decrease, the value of ivory on the black market increases.

This has escalated poaching levels, as criminal gangs are becoming involved and equipping the poachers.

Ivory has been traded for centuries as a luxury product, but now elephants are threatened with extinction if this poaching continues.

We need your help to send a new message to the world.

By pledging to boycott ivory products, you will be helping to show poachers and world leaders that there’s no longer a place for these unsustainable products.

With so many humane alternatives to ivory available, it simply makes no sense to allow the killing to continue.

Make a stand to save elephants by signing the pledge today.

I pledge not to buy ivory products and I reject the use of ivory in all its forms.

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