Tell New Mexico Legislators: Make Prescription Drugs More Affordable

Too many New Mexicans struggle to afford the prescription drugs they need, often having to choose between medication and other necessities, like rent and groceries. Drug costs were out of control before COVID, but it is even worse now. The big drug companies have taken advantage of the pandemic to raise prices even more.

That is outrageous and unacceptable. We need New Mexico legislative leaders to put people before profits and stand up to Big Pharma. We need a Prescription Drug Accountability Board. Our leaders must vote for HB 154 — the Prescription Drug Affordability Act — because drugs don't work if people can't afford them.

Passing the Prescription Drug Affordability Act is a commonsense solution to hold big drug companies accountable and drive down the cost of prescription drugs. 

Tell our New Mexico legislators to pass HB 154 to make prescriptions affordable and hold big pharma accountable this session.
Dear [Decisionmaker],

Too many of my family and friends struggle to afford the prescription drugs they need, often having to choose between medication and other necessities, like rent and groceries. Drug costs were out of control before COVID, but it is even worse now. The big drug companies have taken advantage of the pandemic to raise prices even more.

That is outrageous and unacceptable. We need New Mexico legislative leaders to put people before profits and stand up to Big Pharma. We need you to create a Prescription Drug Accountability Board. I urge you to vote for HB 154 — the Prescription Drug Affordability Act — because drugs don't work if people can't afford them.

Passing the Prescription Drug Affordability Act is a commonsense solution to hold big drug companies accountable and drive down the cost of prescription drugs. Can I count on your vote in favor of HB 154?

We need our New Mexico legislators to pass HB 154 to make prescriptions affordable and hold big pharma accountable this session.

Thank you,

[Your Name]
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