Don't Let President Bush's Veto of Children's Healthcare Stand!

Unless Congress acts to overturn President Bush's latest veto, ten million children will lose their health coverage.

Our children count on us to protect them. We expect our elected leaders to remember that.  

The House and Senate made a historic, bipartisan compromise when they passed State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) bill.

Congress stood by the American people, reaching out to the growing number of low-income, uninsured children in this country and making sure they get access to the healthy start they deserve.

But with the sweep of a pen, President Bush is trying to take it away.

Tell Congress to fight back against President Bush's veto to deny health care to America's children!

Dear Representative [Name],

Unless you act to overturn President Bush's veto, 10 million children will lose their health coverage. Our children count on us to protect them. We expect our elected leaders to remember that. I strongly urge you to override President Bush's veto of health care for America's children.

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