Tell Congress: Stand with Senator Kennedy to Reform Health Care

This summer, while many Americans are enjoying vacation, members of Congress are putting in overtime. Why? Because in July and August your leaders are making critical decisions about the fate of health care reform.

One person who has been working overtime on health care reform for years -- Senator Ted Kennedy.

Recently, Senator Kennedy worked with Senator Dodd and others to create legislation that would provide Americans with quality and affordable health care. "No issue is more important to our constituents -- or to our economy -- than health care reform," said Senators Kennedy and Dodd in a joint letter. "As President Obama has said -- and as even those who disagree about the particulars of reform understand -- inaction is not an option. The status quo isn't just unacceptable, it's unsustainable."

Show your support for Senator Kennedy's efforts. Sign the petition today!
Dear Congressperson,

Stand with Senator Kennedy in reforming America's health care system, so all Americans can gain access to quality and affordable health care. Reform is urgent. Costs are out of control, insurance companies don't always play fair and even Americans with coverage are falling through the cracks.

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