Support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)

  • av:
  • mottagare: U.S. House of Representatives

Finding a job in this economy is already hard enough, but for many qualified, hardworking Americans, the economy is not the only limiting factor. The fact is that many citizens are denied job opportunities, fired or otherwise discriminated against just because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT).

Currently there is no federal law that consistently protects LGBT individuals from employment discrimination. As a result, LGBT people face serious discrimination in employment, including being fired, being denied a promotion and experiencing harassment on the job.

Urge Congress to vote on ENDA -- the bill that would make workplace discrimination illegal against lesbian, gay, disexual and transgendered people, once and for all.

I'm writing today about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

ENDA would finally make it illegal to discriminate in the workplace on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. It's absolutely unacceptable that it is 100% legal in 29 states to fire someone for being lesbian, gay, or bisexual and in 38 states to fire someone for being transgender.

I'm writing to urge you to support this bill in the strongest way. This bill needs as much support as possible -- and your backing is a crucial part of that.

Thanks in advance for your leadership on this and other issues of equality for all people.
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