Stop the Deadly TRAIN Act Train Wreck!

If you ever wanted to know what's wrong in Washington, look no further than the latest pro-polluter monstrosity moving in the U.S. House -- the "TRAIN Act."

Instead of putting people back to work, this slick and underhanded legislation would indefinitely delay rules to limit mercury, smog, and soot pollution from power plants. These rules have been under development for decades.
At a minimum, the mandatory delays in this bill will cost tens of thousands of lives and result in hundreds of thousands of childhood asthma attacks.

Please Take Action Today: Tell your members of Congress they should reject the dangerous TRAIN Act and let EPA do its job.
Dear [Decision Maker],

Please oppose H.R. 2401, the TRAIN Act, now moving in the U.S. House of Representatives.

[Your comments will be added here]

The TRAIN Act is a deadly train wreck and must be stopped in its tracks. Like the other anti-public health bills listed in House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's fall legislative agenda, this bill won't create jobs, but will cost lives.

The TRAIN Act would indefinitely delay rules to limit mercury, smog, and soot pollution from power plants. At a minimum, these delays in this bill will cost tens of thousands of lives and result in hundreds of thousands of childhood asthma attacks. It will increase the risk that infants and the unborn will be exposed to toxic levels of mercury causing brain damage. And it will saddle families with higher out-of-pocket medical costs and lead to millions of lost work days due to illness.

This cynical, special interest bill is the poster child of what's wrong in Washington. I urge you to oppose the TRAIN Act and the rest of the polluter lobby's efforts to put their narrow, short-term profits ahead of the health of our kids and communities.
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