Help Override the President's Veto of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Americans overwhelmingly support the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The CHIP legislation would give 10 million low-income children health care coverage.

But by vetoing CHIP, President Bush is denying these kids the health care they need and deserve!

Efforts to override the President's veto are gaining momentum as more Republicans reconsider their vote on CHIP. We need to keep up the pressure and fight this veto!

Stand firm for the health of America's future! Demand Republicans join the rest of Congress in an Emergency Override of the President's veto.

Dear [Decision maker],

Congress sent the President the Children's Health Insurance Program, which would give 10 million low-income children health care coverage.

The country overwhelmingly supports this plan, but President Bush has vetoed it and is denying these kids the health care they need and deserve.

I demand you support an Emergency Override of the President's veto of the Childrens Health Insurance Program.

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