Stop Another Disaster: Shut Down BP Atlantis

BP's long-term, reckless disregard of safety is threatening the Gulf with an oil spill many times larger than the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion.

The BP Atlantis, an oil platform in the Atlantic, is so fraught with safety problems that even BP management admits another catastrophic accident is possible. Yet BP continues to spend millions of dollars lobbying federal officials who then turn a blind eye to safety violations. Meanwhile, BP continues to operate the Atlantis -- a disaster just waiting to happen.

If BP can imagine a catastrophic disaster and federal officials cater to the oil industry, then who is looking out for us? Tell President Obama to shut down BP Atlantis until proven safe.

Dear President Obama,

BP has admitted that its Atlantis oil platform, currently operating in the Gulf of Mexico, could have a "catastrophic operator error" due to over 6,000 missing safety documents. The Minerals Management Service has failed to properly investigate despite multiple whistleblowers, Food & Water Watch, and members of Congress bringing this to their attention.

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We can't afford another tragedy in the Gulf. Please immediately shut down BP Atlantis until it can be proven safe.
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