Tell Both Houses of Congress to Prioritize the Environment

Caring about the planet isn't inherently democratic or republican - but many politicians might have you thinking that conserving the environment or defending wildlife is a politicized issue. It's not! People on all points of the political spectrum care about the earth. It's all of our home, after all!

After the recent election, we know the United States' House of Representatives will lean republican while the Senate will lean democratic. In light of this divide, we think it's time to unite our two houses of Congress by letting them know that Americans from all parties want both houses to make protecting the earth a priority.

The House and Senate will no doubt face many political battles against each other - but environmental issues shouldn't be up for debate. We all call this planet our home, and we all should care about it's future.

Tell Congress members that Americans from all political identities care about our planet, so both houses must support environmental protection.
Dear Congress Member, Americans from all points on the political spectrum care about the planet - and we know that environmental conservation isn't a democratic or republican issue. As a constituent, I'm urging you to make protecting our planet a priority, no matter what political party you associate with. [Your comments will be inserted here.]
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