Abandoned Lion Cub Found in a Cage — Find His Captors!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Netherlands Authorities

Someone abandoned a traumatized lion cub in a cage in a field. The poor thing was so distressed when a jogger found him, he had cut his nose up trying to escape! 

Sign now to demand local authorities find out who abandoned him and charge them with wild animal trafficking!

Lions do not belond in captivity at all, but they especially do not deserve to be treated so cruelly while in captivity. Thankfully, a sanctuary was contacted and the cub is there now and acclimating really well. But that doesn't solve the problem — someone procured a lion and then abandoned him. 

There is some speculation that the lion had been smuggled in from another country by an illegal breeder or a circus. If that's the case, this could be a huge clue to finding international traffickers and punishing them. We have to be sure the authorities take this crime seriously!

The poor baby was only 5 months old when he was totally abandoned in a field in a tiny cage. No animal should be treated this way, but especially a majestic lion. Please sign the petition to demand the authorities take the investigation seriously so they can find its captors!

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