Join our movement and help keep end-of-life choice in the hands of Montanans!

We've defeated harmful legislation every year so far, but we need to keep fighting for Montanans like TJ Mutchler. 

In 2009, the Montana Supreme Court's Bob Baxter v. Montana decision authorized medical aid in dying. In 2017, Bob Baxter's own grandson, TJ Mutchler, used this compassionate end-of-life option to end his suffering from terminal pancreatic cancer. 

Thanks to the tireless work of our advocates and supporters like you in the Big Sky State, we stopped legislation that would criminalize medical aid in dying every legislative session. 

Lawmakers have continued to introduce legislation that disregards the values of the eighty-three percent of Montanans that want to keep medical aid in dying available. 

Join our movement, and help keep end-of-life choice in the hands of Montana residents, not politicians in Helena.

We're building a continued movement and we need your support. We want to ensure that all Montanans have access to end-of-life options that reflect their values, priorities, and beliefs. Join our team of volunteers and advocates to improve and expand care across Montana.
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