Tell BLM: Stop the Willow Climate Disaster

On July 8, 2022 the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released a Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) addressing the implications of ConocoPhillips' Willow Project for America's Western Arctic.

This project is a disaster for this fragile Arctic region, home to Indigenous communities and bountiful wildlife including caribou, fish and migratory birds. And it's a disaster for our climate.

Sign now to submit a public comment to prevent this project from moving forward.
No single oil and gas project poses a greater threat to the Biden Administration's climate and public lands protection goals than the Willow project. Allowing ConocoPhillips to proceed in the western Arctic has the potential to undo the clean energy progress we've already made and make the goals we hope to reach by 2030 almost unattainable. For that reason, it is of vital importance that the Bureau of Land Management undertake a more full, new careful and comprehensive review of this project. Such a review will show that this project cannot move forward under the administration's strong commitments to science, addressing the climate crisis, and protecting public lands and subsistence rights.

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