Keep Domestic Cats in Wisconsin From Being Fair Game

  • av: Laila P
  • mottagare: Steven Oestreicher, Chairman, Wisconsin Conservation Congress

A hunter in Madison, Wisconsin has proposed that hunters be allowed to shoot free-roaming domestic cats. On April 11, 2005 the proposal to change homeless cats to an unprotected species will go before hunters of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress in the spring hearings of all 72 counties. Please help to persuade them to do the right thing.

Campaign update: On April 11, the WI Conservation Congress voted 6,830 to 5,102 in favor of this proposal, but the WI Governor has stated he will not allow the proposal to succeed. Please keep signing to help protect Wisconsin's cats!

Please vote against a recent proposal by hunter Mark Smith to classify free-roaming domestic cats as an "unprotected species." Cats are not "small game." They are pets. If someone has a problem with stray cats, there are humane ways to deal with the problem. Have-a-Heart traps are an easy fix and animal control is also an option. Reaching for a gun is not the solution to problems.
Cats will kill birds, it's called instinct. Apparently, this hunter has a need to be on the same mental level as a feline. Humans are a very evolved species. We should be helping the animals that can not help themselves instead of lowering ourselves to their standards.
Please do the right thing. Not only will innocent homeless cats be spared, but pets will not be mistakenly shot and killed at a hunter's will. We have evolved beyond senseless killing.
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