Support the EU Fisheries Commissioner to End Overfishing

  • av: Pew EU
  • mottagare: European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella
Encouraged by hundreds of thousands of people, decision-makers agreed in 2013 an historic reform of the Common Fisheries Policy that aims to end EU overfishing.

Karmenu Vella, the Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, now needs your support to secure prompt and effective implementation of that policy. Join our campaign and sign the petition to Karmenu Vella today, share it with your friends, and together we can play our part in ending EU overfishing.
Dear Commissioner,

During your tenure as Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Commissioner, you will be responsible for implementing the Common Fisheries Policy, and particularly for proposing fishing limits that will end EU overfishing.

In May 2013, EU decision-makers reached an historic agreement on reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). They had been encouraged by the support of hundreds of thousands of EU citizens in reaching an agreement to end EU overfishing by 2015 where possible and by 2020 at the latest.

To reach the targets agreed to in the CFP and to safeguard the marine environment, as well as the future of EU fishermen, you need to help ensure that fishing limits do not exceed scientific advice. Historically, pressure from short-term interests has too often resulted in fisheries ministers setting fishing limits above scientific recommendations.

[Your comments here]

Our fisheries-dependent communities and EU citizens are looking to you for strong leadership to end overfishing.

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