Save Pandas by Protecting Their Forest Homes

Our favorite black and white friends are in trouble, and they're not alone. Giant pandas and other animals like the spider monkey, sun bear, and orangutan are all affected by deforestation, which destroys their natural habitat, making it harder to survive and provide for their young.

Fortunately, China has made important strides to protect the world's pandas, creating nearly 60 new forest reserves over the last decade. Working together, the Chinese government and San Diego Zoo Global have made great strides to protect habitat and foster successful breeding programs. Thanks to their leadership, the 1,600 pandas remaining in the wild will now have a more secure future.

Yet there's still more we can do to help endangered forest dwellers. By taking our simple pledge today, you can also make a difference.

I pledge to:
-- Only buy products made from sustainable woods
-- Reduce my use of paper products
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