Keep Wolves on Endangered Species List

  • av: Fiona Oliver
  • mottagare: Gale Norton, Interior Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior
The wolves of the Northern Rocky Mountains have been making a great comeback,yet this could all change.Secretary Norton plans to strip the grey wolf of it's protection under the Endangered Species Act.This means hunting of wolves could resume as early as 2003.This plan seems to have been motivated by politics rather than by scientific facts and could have a serious affect on the wolf population in America.Please sign this petiton, urging Secretary Norton to keep wolves under the protection of the Endangered Species Act.
The wolves of the Northern Rocky Mountains have made a great comeback,yet this could all change.Interior Secretary Gale Norton plans to strip the gray wolf of it's protection under the Endangered Species Act.
This means wolf management will be turned over to states such as Idaho,which has already voted to remove wolves 'by whatever means necessary' and Minnesota which has re-instituted a bounty on wolves.
Bounty hunting on wolves could resume as early as 2003.
Some scientists fear that this proposal could seriously delay wolf recovery in America and that the natural eco-system,which requires the presence of large carnivores to remain healthy, would be negativly affected by the removal of wolves.
It appears that the proposal to strip the wolf of it's protection has been politcally motivated,and is not based on scientific fact.
We, the Undersigned,strongly urge Secretary Gale Norton ,not to weaken the protection of the gray wolf in America.
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