Our Failing Healthcare System is Costly!

  • av: SEIU
  • mottagare: U.S. Congress
The ongoing burdens of America's current healthcare system are not sustainable. Even people with health insurance often must pay out-of-pocket! The high bills you see cover not only you doctor's services, but 29 percent of the total bill goes to administrative costs, eight percent covers the uninsured and over five percent is set aside for the price of medical errors.

Help Congress see just how important it is for American workers to have affordable, quality healthcare. Tell them how much our current system is really costing you by sending your "medical bill" to Capitol Hill.

You may have one particularly outrageous bill, or perhaps you spend an unacceptable amount every month on healthcare. Let Washington know!
Dear [Decision-maker],

I am shocked by the lack of affordable, quality healthcare in one of the richest nations in the world. Our healthcare system is in a state of crisis, and this crisis affects not only myself, but my neighbors and co-workers as well.

The amount I personally paid out-of-pocket for healthcare illustrates the urgent need for healthcare reform. My outrageous bill covered not only the medical attention I received (48 percent of the total bill), but it also included hidden expenses. These covered:

- administrative costs (29 percent)
- cost shifts from the uninsured (8 percent)
- medical errors (5.2 percent)
- high rate of RN turnover (5 percent)
- insurance industry profits (3 percent)

As an elected official, it is important for you to understand just how costly our current system is. So today I am sending my medical bill to Capital Hill.

BILL TO: U.S. Congress

Amount paid: [Your answer here]
Type of care received: [Your answer here]
Covered under our current failing health insurance system? [Your answer here]
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