Conservation is impossible without local people. Add your name if you agree.

It's shocking how much they're ignored.

Working alongside local people - those communities who live closest to endangered species - is, in almost every case, the only effective way to fix the extinction chaos that's descending on our planet.

So many of these people have - for centuries - lived a way of life that's evolved in harmony with nature and is based on a wealth of local knowledge.

Yet half the world seems to think that those decisions should be taken out of local hands and left to people who know little if anything about the realities on the ground.

It's utter folly.

We must ensure that all conservation action is done in close consultation with local communities, and addresses the real problems on the ground.

Add your name to tell conservation bodies across the world that local people need to be at the heart of every protection initiative.

Sign if you agree that their voice matters most, and must not be ignored.

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