Climate Change Just Killed Tens of Thousands of Fish in Texas

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: World Bank President Ajay Banga
Tens of thousands of dead fish have been washed ashore on the Gulf Coast in Texas. Experts worry that the perfect storm of factors -- including, and perhaps most importantly, global climate change -- contributed to a tragic mass die-off in the region.

When temperatures rise abnormally, fish are more prone to hypoxia, or low oxygen levels. These mass die offs occur when fish are literally starved for oxygen, a process that causes as much suffering as it sounds.

The climate crisis isn't coming: it's already here, and living things around the world are already dying needlessly. When will global institutions like the World Bank act?

Sign now to tell the World Bank to take action and fund climate solutions immediately!

The World Bank is one of the most powerful financial institutions in the world. By making sure that countries around the world can adequately tackle climate change, especially poor countries who have contributed virtually nothing to global fossil fuel emissions, the bank can help protect people, the planet, and the other living things that inhabit it.

Tens of thousands of fish dying from a warming ocean cannot become normal. We must encourage the World Bank to act to fund climate solutions! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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