Stop the Dolphin Slaughter in Taiji, Japan

  • av:
  • mottagare: Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Minister for Foreign Affairs Kevin Rudd, and Japanese Ambassador to Australia Shigekazu Sato

From September until March every year fishermen in Taiji, Japan drive boats out in the open sea, making horrible noises in the water which confuse and scare dolphins.

This practice is used to herd hundreds of dolphins at a time towards the shore. The most attractive are bought for over $150,000 and are then shipped all over the world.

The rest of the captured dolphins - around 23000 a year - get pushed into another cove where they are massacred in the most brutal manner (the fishermen get around $600 for a dead dolphin). The dolphins are stabbed to death, sometimes so slowly that they just eventually die of pain and blood loss. It has to be noted that these creatures are self-aware.

A dolphin can look into a mirror and recognise itself. This also means that they feel the pain when their children, brothers and sisters are slaughtered next to them. They also understand what is about to happen to them.

Secondary to this inhumane practice is the fact that dolphin meat contains extremely high levels of mercury. Mercury is a highly toxic chemical which is linked to thousands of deaths, child deformities and health complications every year.

The meat from the murdered dolphins in Taiji is distributed throughout public schools for all of Japan’s children to eat. This meat is also being sold under different names (often labelled as whale meat) by retailers throughout Japan.

Stop the dolphin slaughter now.

Around 23000 dolphins are slaughtered every year in Taiji, Japan, while still others are transported around the world to be used for entertainment in aquatic parks. Dolphin meat (containing high levels of toxic mercury) is then sold throughout Japan, often labelled as whale meat.

We the undersigned petition that you urge the Japanese government to discontinue this heinous, dangerous and illegal practice. We also urge Australian leadership to ensure that the International Whaling Commission includes the proper management of dolphins and porpoises and a comprehensive plan to stop the slaughter of dolphins in Japan.

Your immediate action is needed.

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