Oregon Just Banned Grotesque Wildlife Killing Contests! It Is Time for New York to Follow Suit!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: New York Governor Kathy Hochul

The state of Oregon finally listened to experts and animal rights advocates and became the 9th state in the country to ban wildlife killing contests!

The New York state legislature just passed a bill to do the same, and it awaits governor Kathy Hochul's signature. We must encourage her to stand on the right side of history and ban these archaic, gruesome contests, too!

Sign this petition to tell New York Governor Kathy Hochul: follow in Oregon's footsteps! Sign the ban on wildlife killing contests!

Wildlife killing contests are as brutal as they sound: participants compete with one another to kill as many specific animals, such as coyotes as possible, including members of the species that are especially large or especially small, to win cash and other prizes. Those who run and participate in the contests claim that this brutality is necessary to "manage coyote populations."

But more scientific studies are telling us a different story. In fact, recent research has found that these contests do not even reduce coyote numbers or prevent conflicts with livestock. They may even increase them.

We must keep the legislative momentum going against wildlife killing contests by demanding that New York Governor Kathy Hocul sign a state ban on wildlife killing contests, too! Sign the petition if you agree!

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