New Zealand: Stand Against Whaling!

Sea Shepherd captain Bob Barker is calling on the New Zealand Government to take more action against whaling. Despite a global moratorium on commercial whaling, aggressive Japanese whalers are entering protected zones in New Zealand with the intent to kill over 1,000 whales. Their current quota stands at 935 minke whales, 50 endangered fin whales and 50 endangered humpback whales.

The Sea Shepherds' activist efforts are believed to have saved 750 whales so far, but their ships have suffered damage from whalers who are facing no legal action for their illegal and damaging activities. 

Please sign the petition to convince the New Zealand Government to step up and take action against whalers who hunt in their protected whale sanctuaries! 

Despite a global moratorium on commercial whaling, aggressive Japanese whalers are entering protected zones in New Zealand with the intent to kill over 1,000 whales. Their current quota stands at 935 minke whales, 50 endangered fin whales and 50 endangered humpback whales.

Anti-whaling group Sea Shepherds' activist efforts are believed to have saved 750 whales so far, but their ships have suffered damage from whalers who are facing no legal action for their illegal and damaging activities. 

We respectfully urge you to take action to stop illegal whaling in your protected zones rather than have activists control the problem alone. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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