Federal Money Should Not Go to Anti-LGBTQ Adoption Agencies

In what is clearly a blatantly homophobic move, GOP legislators at the federal level have advanced a new rule that would punish states that refuse to give funding to religious adoption agencies that won't place children to LGBTQ parents.

Rather than passing it as its own bill, U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt snuck it in as an amendment to a funding bill for the Education, Labor and Health and Human Services Departments, which Democrats may feel pressure to pass.

If passed, the amendment would stipulate that states that won't give money to child welfare agencies that want to discriminate will receive less federal funding for child services. In other words, the GOP is saying "fund our intolerance or else we'll take money away from kids in need!" 

At a point where children are waiting an average of two years to be placed in a home, we need more parental candidates, not fewer. There's no rational reason for this rule in the first place, which is why we're asking Rep. Aderholt to pull his amendment.

Sign and share this petition now if you agree that federal dollars should not go toward funding agencies that refuse to work with LGBTQ parents.

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