Another Young, Endangered North Atlantic Right Whale Was Killed in a Lobster Net

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Tragically, a young North Atlantic right whale entangled in lobster fishing gear from Maine was found dead off Martha's Vineyard. The poor whale was only three years old, and was a beacon of hope for its critically endangered species. This isn't just a singular tragedy; it's a glaring signal that our current measures to protect these majestic creatures are failing.

We demand that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) immediately establish effective safeguards to prevent such tragic entanglements while ensuring the lobster fishery operates sustainably.

The loss of the young whale, who suffered needlessly for over half its life due to its preventable capture, is a heart-wrenching reminder of the broader crisis facing North Atlantic right whales. The official tracker for the endangered species now lists 37 dead, 34 seriously injured, and 51 in poor health. It's obvious that the current system is inadequate. 

The denial and inaction by those profiting from the lobster industry, coupled with the failure of our government to enforce necessary protections, have allowed these gentle giants to suffer slow, gruesome deaths.

Every day of delay is a gamble with the lives of these irreplaceable beings. Let's not wait for another tragedy to prompt action. The time to save North Atlantic right whales is now. 

Join us in demanding immediate action from NOAA to reverse the tide and ensure a future where these iconic whales thrive, not just survive.

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