Demand Arrest for Wolf Poached from Sanctuary

  • av: Animal Advocates
  • mottagare: Wyoming Game & Fish Department, Supervisor of Investigative Unit Mike Ehlebracht

Stan Castagno, (registered with the Wyoming Outfittrers and Guide), lured a female wolf out of the protection and sanctuary of Yellowstone Park with a recording of a wolf pup in distress, and shot and killed her. He is very proud of this murder of an innocent animal, and displays it on his Facebook page.

Attempting to find loopholes in existing laws does not make this poacher any less a criminal. Poaching from a sanctuary is unacceptable- the fact that he is a "guide" makes his actions even more reprehenible. Arrest Stan Castagno for poaching violations.


Mike Ehlebracht
Supervisor of Investigative Unit
Wyoming Game & Fish Department
5400 Bishop Boulevard
Cheyene, Wyoming 82006
United States

Phone: (307) 777-4600
Fax: (307) 777-4610


Stan Castagno, (registered with the Wyoming Outfittrers and Guide), lured a female wolf out of the protection and sanctuary of Yellowstone Park with a recording of a wolf pup in distress, and shot and killed her. He is very proud of this murder of an innocent animal, and displays it on his Facebook page.

Attempting to find loopholes in existing laws does not make this poacher any less a criminal. Poaching from a sanctuary is unacceptable- the fact that he is a "guide" makes his actions even more reprehenible. Arrest Stan Castagno for poaching violations.

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