Ask the Cincinnati Zoo to let their Gorillas go to a Sanctuary

On May 28th, the Cincinnati Zoo shot dead a 17-year-old Gorilla named Harambe. This was after a parent lost track of their child and he jumped into the Gorilla's enclosure. Harambe held the child, appearing to protect him from the screams of the humans. But that was not enough as zoo staff shot him. 

Gorillas are endangered animals, but zoos do not breed them to be released to the wild. Their role is minimal to none in conservation and education. Zoos are entertainment facilities where mainly parents go to entertain their kids for an hour or two.

A wild animal that may pose a threat to the public should not be held captive in a zoo where incidents like this can happen. Zoos are made for viewing pleasure and if a curious visitor is determined to get past security measures, they can. As in this case, the poor design of the facility allowed the child to bypass the railing and fall into the Gorilla pit.

Please ask the Cincinnati zoo to release their remaining great apes to a sanctuary and to close their Gorilla exhibit for the safety of the public and the animals.

READ : Is there Educational Value Viewing Animals in Captivity?


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